Results for 'Marianne Wifstrand Schiebe'

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  1.  9
    Das anthropomorphe Gottesbild: Berechtigung und Ursprung aus der Sicht antiker Denker.Marianne Wifstrand Schiebe - 2019 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Die Auffassungen vom Göttlichen, welche antike Philosophen entwickelten, wurden bekanntlich nur von einer verschwindend geringen Minderheit geteilt. Das traditionelle Gottesbild, von dem sie fast ausnahmslos Abstand nahmen, prägte demgegenüber vollständig das öffentliche Leben. Marianne Wifstrand Schiebe stellt erstmals die Frage, ob sich die Philosophen Gedanken darüber machten, wie es dazu kommen konnte - ein in der Forschung bislang übersehener Zusammenhang, der Gelaüfige Ansichten zum Selbstverständnis antiker Denker und zu ihrer Auffassung von (...)
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  2. .Marianne Wifstrand Schiebe - unknown
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    Marianne Wifstrand Schiebe, Das anthropomorphe Gottesbild. Berechtigung und Ursprung aus der Sicht antiker Denker, Stuttgart (Franz Steiner Verlag) 2020 (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 69), 382 S., ISBN 978-3-515-12419-5 (brosch.), € 62,–Das anthropomorphe Gottesbild. Berechtigung und Ursprung aus der Sicht antiker Denker. [REVIEW]Peter Van Nuffelen - 2021 - Klio 103 (2):798-799.
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    Vlaamse Europarlementsleden beoordelen hun Europees Parlement : Marianne Thyssen.Marianne Thyssen - 1998 - Res Publica 40 (2):287-292.
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    (1 other version)Augustine, Monica, and the Love of Wisdom.Marianne Djuth - 2008 - Augustinian Studies 39 (2):237-252.
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    Erratisch und unberechenbar? Wie sich Autokratisierung auf das internationale Verhalten von Regierungen auswirkt.Marianne Kneuer - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 68 (4):266-281.
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    Correspondence.Albert Wifstrand - 1947 - The Classical Review 61 (02):67-.
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  8. Fem ord.Albert Wifstrand - 1965 - Lund,: Gleerup.
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  9. Ethical reflections on critical ethnography.Marianne Dovemark - 2019 - In Hugh Busher & Alison Fox (eds.), Implementing ethics in educational ethnography: regulation and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Institutional Context, Political-Value Orientation and Public Attitudes towards Climate Policies: A Qualitative Follow-Up Study of an Experiment.Marianne Aasen & Arild Vatn - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (1):43-63.
    In this paper, we are interested in the effects of institutional context on public attitudes towards climate policies, where institutions are defined as the conventions, norms and formally sanctioned rules of any given society. Building on a 2014 survey experiment, we conducted thirty qualitative interviews with car-owners in Oslo, Norway, to investigate the ways in which institutional context and political-value orientation affect public attitudes towards emissions policies. One context (presented as a text treatment) highlighted individual rationality, emphasising the ways in (...)
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    A diagrammatics of race: Samuel George Morton's ‘American Golgotha’ and the contest for the definition of the young field of anthropology.Marianne Sommer - 2024 - History of the Human Sciences 37 (3-4):34-63.
    Between the last decades of the 18th century and the middle of the 19th century, something of paramount importance happened in the history of anthropology. This was the advent of a physical anthropology that was about the classification of ‘human races’ through comparative measurement. A central tool of the new trade was diagrams. Being inherently about relations in and between objects, diagrams became the means of defining human groups and their relations to each other – the last point being disputed (...)
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    Discussing End-of-Life Decisions in a Clinical Ethics Committee: An Interview Study of Norwegian Doctors’ Experience.Marianne K. Bahus & Reidun Førde - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (3):261-272.
    With disagreement, doubts, or ambiguous grounds in end–of-life decisions, doctors are advised to involve a clinical ethics committee. However, little has been published on doctors’ experiences with discussing an end-of-life decision in a CEC. As part of the quality assurance of this work, we wanted to find out if clinicians have benefited from discussing end-of-life decisions in CECs and why. We will disseminate some Norwegian doctors’ experiences when discussing end-of-life decisions in CECs, based on semi-structured interviews with fifteen Norwegian physicians (...)
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    Fear and anger have opposite effects on risk seeking in the gain frame.Marianne Habib, Mathieu Cassotti, Sylvain Moutier, Olivier Houdé & Grégoire Borst - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Grenzen der Marktlogik: die unsichtbare Hand in der ärztlichen Praxis.Marianne Rychner - 2006 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Mehr Markt und Wettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen, so der Tenor aktueller gesundheitspolitischer Debatten, soll Transparenz schaffen, Kosten senken, Missbräuche verhindern und die Qualität der Leistungen steigern. Marianne Rychner zeigt anhand objektiv-hermeneutischer Materialanalysen, in welcher Weise professionalisierte ärztliche Praxis und die Logik des Marktes in einem Widerspruch zueinander stehen. Dies wird deutlich anhand einer detailgetreuen Rekonstruktion zweier ärztlicher Konsultationen. In der Interaktion zwischen Ärztin und Patient entfaltet sich eine komplexe Handlungslogik. Diese konfrontiert die Autorin mit aktuellen Versuchen, der ärztlichen Praxis den (...)
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    Just Silences: The Limits and Possibilities of Modern Law.Marianne Constable - 2007 - Princeton University Press.
    Is the Miranda warning, which lets an accused know of the right to remain silent, more about procedural fairness or about the conventions of speech acts and silences? Do U.S. laws about Native Americans violate the preferred or traditional "silence" of the peoples whose religions and languages they aim to "protect" and "preserve"? In Just Silences, Marianne Constable draws on such examples to explore what is at stake in modern law: a potentially new silence as to justice.Grounding her claims (...)
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  16. Taking phenomenology beyond the first-person perspective: conceptual grounding in the collection and analysis of observational evidence.Marianne Elisabeth Klinke & Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):171-191.
    Phenomenology has been adapted for use in qualitative health research, where it’s often used as a method for conducting interviews and analyzing interview data. But how can phenomenologists study subjects who cannot accurately reflect upon or report their own experiences, for instance, because of a psychiatric or neurological disorder? For conditions like these, qualitative researchers may gain more insight by conducting observational studies in lieu of, or in conjunction with, interviews. In this article, we introduce a phenomenological approach to conducting (...)
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  17. Anticipating the Interaction between Technology and Morality: A Scenario Study of Experimenting with Humans in Bionanotechnology.Marianne Boenink, Tsjalling Swierstra & Dirk Stemerding - 2010 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 4 (2).
    During the last decades several tools have been developed to anticipate the future impact of new and emerging technologies. Many of these focus on ‘hard,’ quantifiable impacts, investigating how novel technologies may affect health, environment and safety. Much less attention is paid to what might be called ‘soft’ impacts: the way technology influences, for example, the distribution of social roles and responsibilities, moral norms and values, or identities. Several types of technology assessment and of scenario studies can be used to (...)
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    Rezension: Natur-Geschichte. Das Naturhistorische Museum Basel im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert von Christian Simon.Marianne Klemun - 2011 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 34 (4):382-384.
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    Eoliths as Evidence for Human Origins? The British Context.Marianne Sommer - 2004 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 26 (2):209 - 241.
    In the second half of the nineteenth century, France was the main site of the controversy around the so-called eoliths, supposedly human-made tools of Tertiary Europe. In contrast to the more common situation where scientists have to make sure that an object stabilized in a laboratory is not an artifact of the lab but a natural object, in the eoliths debates the opposite was the case. The eolith proponents tried to render plausible the object's artificial, that is human, origin. In (...)
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    Certifying Clinical Ethics Consultants: Who Pays?Marianne Burda - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (2):194-199.
    The movement advocating the formal certification of clinical ethics consultants may result in major changes to the field of clinical ethics consultation by creating a new standard of care. The actual certification process is still in the development phase, but unanswered questions include: What will certification cost, and, Who will pay? Currently there is little salary support for ethics consultants and no regulation requiring healthcare institutions to offer clinical ethics consultation. Without the support of healthcare administrators and accreditation bodies, this (...)
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  21. A literature review of approaches to the professionalism of journalists.Marianne Allison - 1986 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 1 (2):5 – 19.
    This literature review of professionalism was prepared by San Jose State University graduate student Marianne Allison as a research committee project of the Mass Communication and Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. The project was prepared under the guidance of Professor Diana Stover Tillinghast. It reviews the literature on two approaches to professionalism in general and of the professionalism of journalists in particular: the ?structural?functionalist approach?; and the ?power approach.?; Traditional and recent discussions of the (...)
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    Transcriptional silencing of homeotic genes in drosophila.Mariann Bienz & Jürg Müller - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (9):775-784.
    Homeotic genes are subject to transcriptional silencing, which prevents their expression in inappropriate body regions. Here, we shall focus on Drosophila, as little is known about this process in other organisms. Evidence is accumulating that silencing of Drosophila homeotic genes is conferred by two types of cis‐regulatory sequences: initiation (SIL‐I) and maintenance (SIL‐M) elements. The former contain target sites for transient repressors with a highly localised distribution in the early embryo and the latter for constitutive repressors that are likely to (...)
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    Experience and knowledge.Marianne A. Paget - 1983 - Human Studies 6 (1):67 - 90.
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  24. Die erweiterte Substantivphrase in ausgewählten deutschen Wirtschaftstexten-eine intra-und interlinguale rezeptionsgrammatische Analyse: Zusammenfassung einer Dissertation.Marianne Grove Ditlevsen - 1997 - Hermes 18:251-254.
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    Drug Legalization, Democracy and Public Health: Canadian Stakeholders’ Opinions and Values with Respect to the Legalization of Cannabis.Marianne Rochette, Matthew Valiquette, Claudia Barned & Eric Racine - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (2):175-190.
    The legalization of cannabis in Canada instantiates principles of harm-reduction and safe supply. However, in-depth understanding of values at stake and attitudes toward legalization were not part of extensive democratic deliberation. Through a qualitative exploratory study, we undertook 48 semi-structured interviews with three Canadian stakeholder groups to explore opinions and values with respect to the legalization of cannabis: (1) members of the general public, (2) people with lived experience of addiction and (3) clinicians with experience treating patients with addiction. Across (...)
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    Developments in the practice of physician-assisted dying: perceptions of physicians who had experience with complex cases.Marianne C. Snijdewind, Donald G. van Tol, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen & Dick L. Willems - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (5):292-296.
    Background Since the enactment of the euthanasia law in the Netherlands, there has been a lively public debate on assisted dying that may influence the way patients talk about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide with their physicians and the way physicians experience the practice of EAS. Aim To show what developments physicians see in practice and how they perceive the influence of the public debate on the practice of EAS. Methods We conducted a secondary analysis of in-depth interviews with 28 Dutch (...)
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    Migrantes au musée. Questions posées à l’histoire.Marianne Amar - 2020 - Clio 51:241-255.
    Pour compléter ce numéro et afin de souligner son actualité, nous avons souhaité échanger avec Marianne Amar, historienne, responsable du département de la recherche au Musée National de l’Histoire de l’Immigration (Palais de la Porte-Dorée, Paris). L’entretien s’est tenu le 26 juin 2019 et a duré une heure trente. Comme convenu en juin, Marianne Amar a complété ses propos quelques mois plus tard pour présenter les projets actuels du musée sur le thème « femmes et genre en migration (...)
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    Population-genetic trees, maps, and narratives of the great human diasporas.Marianne Sommer - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (5):108-145.
    From the 1960s, mathematical and computational tools have been developed to arrive at human population trees from various kinds of serological and molecular data. Focusing on the work of the Italian-born population geneticist Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, I follow the practices of tree-building and mapping from the early blood-group studies to the current genetic admixture research. I argue that the visual language of the tree is paralleled in the narrative of the human diasporas, and I show how the tree was actually (...)
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  29. Dilemmas of objectivity.Marianne Janack - 2002 - Social Epistemology 16 (3):267 – 281.
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    El cuidado del cuerpo en las obras primeras de Agustín: 386-395.Marianne Djuth & José Anoz - 2016 - Augustinus 61 (242-243):245-261.
    The article explores the idea that Augustine’s understanding of Christendom is compatible with the practice of the art of medicine, and that bodily health plays a more prominent role in his understanding of salvation than previously thought. The article addresses these concerns with reference to the different perspectives from which Augustine views the body from 386-395: metaphysical, biblical, and empirical. It examines three aspects of Augustine’s early works that pertain to the care of the body: his own experience of illness (...)
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    Recovering Food Commons in Post Industrial Europe: Cooperation Networks in Organic Food Provisioning in Catalonia and Norway.Marianne E. Lien & S. Gómez Mestres - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (5):625-643.
    This paper explores food commoning through an ethnographic case study in Catalonia as our primary site while the Norwegian case is juxtaposed as a comparison, two agriculturally and economically different European countries. The ethnography analyses cooperation networks between organic food producers’ and consumers’ involving different nodes of community gardening initiatives, self-employed growers, local farmers and all of them under a unique cooperative integrating a community economy. The result it is a myriad of exchange practices ranging from reciprocity and barter to (...)
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  32. The Humanity of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel.Marianne Meye Thompson - 1988
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    Alle de Brieven van Antoni van Leeuwenhoek: The Collected Letters of Antoni van LeeuwenhoekAntoni van Leeuwenhoek L. C. Palm.Marianne Winder - 1982 - Isis 73 (2):315-315.
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    Business Ethics and Intercultural Management Education: A Consideration of the Middle Eastern Perspective.Marianne Marar Yacobian & Leslie E. Sekerka - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 11:157-178.
    Multinational corporations (MNCs) have brought attention to the challenges of business ethics in intercultural settings. A lack of understanding regarding cultural pluralism in business ethics education has motivated some scholars to consider a broader lens, one that recognizes the influence of religion (Spalding and Franks 2012). Management awareness of the similarities and differences that stem from deeply held beliefs is essential, as unstated thoughts and feelings caninfluence starting assumptions, even before ethical decision-making processes begin. If deeply entrenched cultural traditions and (...)
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  35. When Corporate Communication goes Public-Communication Policies in Public Communication.Marianne Grove Ditlevsen & Peter Kastberg - 2007 - Hermes 38:11-40.
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    In Response to the Religious Other: Ricoeur and the Fragility of Interreligious Encounters.Marianne Moyaert - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    In this book, Marianne Moyaert develops a new interreligious appropriation of Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutical philosophy. Viewed in context of his philosophical, anthropological, and ethical work, Ricoeur’s fragmentary reflections on the encounters between religions provide insights on global cooperation practices and religious identity concerns.
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  37. Feminist Epistemologies, Rhetorical Traditions, and the Ad Hominem.Marianne Janack & John Charles Adams - 1999 - In Christine Mason Sutherland & Rebecca Sutcliffe (eds.), The Changing Tradition: Women in the History of Rhetoric. University of Calgary Press.
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    The Pendulum as a Vehicle for Transitioning from Classical to Quantum Physics: History, Quantum Concepts, and Educational Challenges.Marianne B. Barnes, James Garner & David Reid - 2004 - Science & Education 13 (4-5):417-436.
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    Introduction.Marianne Janack - 2010 - In Feminist Interpretations of Richard Rorty. Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This introduction includes a short summary discussion of all the articles included in the volume. In addition to reprints of Rorty's essays about pragmatism and feminism, the volume includes essays by John C. Adams, Linda Martín Alcoff, Sharyn Clough, Nancy Fraser, Sabina Lovibond, Alessandra Tanesini, Georgia Warnke, and Steven Yarbrough.
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    Professional and Organizational Leadership Role in Ethics Management: Avoiding Reliance on Ethical Codification and Nurturing Ethical Culture.Marianne Jennings & Islam H. El-Adaway - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (4):1-30.
    The engineering profession has experienced some ethical cases that were rarely reported, scrutinized, or discussed because: they did not necessarily represent violations of existing codes even if they breached ethical principles; those within the organization were not prepared to take steps to address the issues or impose sanction; an/or some of the personnel associated with these cases resorted to silence to avoid being labeled as trouble-makers in their organizations and, perhaps, more broadly, in society. The goal of this paper is (...)
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    Conflicts in Feminism.Marianne Hirsch & Evelyn Fox Keller - 1990 - Psychology Press.
    First Published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  42. In response to the religious other : Levinas, interreligious dialogue and the otherness of the other.Marianne Moyaert - 2008 - In Roger Burggraeve (ed.), The awakening to the other: a provocative dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas. Dudley, MA: Peeters.
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    Integral Ecology and the Care for Our Common Home.Marianne Farina - 2017 - Listening 52 (1):46-57.
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    What gestures reveal about how semantic distinctions develop in Dutch children's placement verbs.Marianne Gullberg & Bhuvana Narasimhan - 2010 - Cognitive Linguistics 21 (2).
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    Vom Hudson an die Spree. Im September 2005 eröffnete Human Rights Watch ein Büro in Berlin.Marianne Heuwagen - 2006 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2007 (jg):297-299.
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    Participation through imitative repetitions.Marianne Johansen - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (6):763-783.
    This article provides an analysis of participation within the framework of language socialization with a focus on the child’s position as overhearer. The study suggests that a particular position as creative imitator is to be included within models of participation in order to account for the particular transition position in which the child transforms his position from overhearer to speaker. Through an empirical study it is demonstrated how an overhearing child embeds his contributions within the local social and interactional order (...)
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    Turning and Returning to God: Reflections on the Lectionary Texts for Lent.Marianne Meye Thompson - 2010 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 64 (1):5-17.
    While the season of Lent often prompts introspection, the various biblical texts set for Lent call not for a turning inward, but a turning again to God with renewed trust and gratitude for the steadfast love and faithfulness of God. Jesus' death is the supreme example of the love of the God who has a steadfast commitment to deliver his people from captivity, whether captivity in Egypt, or captivity to sin and death.
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  48. Natural law and the ELCA.Marianne Howard Yoder & Jacob Larry Yoder - 2010 - In Robert C. Baker & Roland Cap Ehlke (eds.), Natural Law: A Lutheran Reappraisal. Concordia Pub. House.
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    Citations and networking.Marianne A. Ferber - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (1):82-89.
    References to publications written by women constitute a significantly larger proportion of citations in articles written by women than in articles written by men in the same subfields. Further, the difference between citation patterns of men and women authors increases as the proportion of women in the discipline decreases, showing that these women are doubly disadvantaged in accumulating citations. These results suggest that the problems of members of an out-group tend to be most serious when their numbers are small and (...)
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  50. Rorty on Ethnocentrism and Exclusion.Marianne Janack - 1998 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 12 (3):204 - 216.
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